
Who we are….
Vineyard Speyer e.V. English community stands as a beacon of faith and hope to the English speaking around its region. Jesus Christ is presented as the center-piece and the head of the church.

What we do….
It is a place of prayer, peace, and joy to all who join us. Our community is richly diverse, with people of different ages and backgrounds coming together to worship and serve together. We welcome all individuals seeking God’s love, and our doors are open to every soul seeking to welcome Jesus Christ into their hearts.

Our Vision….
That God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven by spreading the good news.

„Wir besteigen gemeinsam den Berg der Transformation, wenn wir uns dem Geist dieser Welt, in allen seinen heutigen Formen entgegenstellen, indem wir die ewigen Wahrheiten und gerechten Maßstäbe von Gottes Wort proklamieren (s. Römer 12,2).“

„We ascend together the mountain of transformation when we stand against the spirit of this world with all its contemporary forms through proclaiming the eternal truths and just standards of God’s word.“ (s. Romans 12,2)

Frank und Joanne Idiaru

… are by the grace of God been happily married for 24 years and are blessed with 3 lovely children – Promise, Precious, and Peace.

Frank & Joan Idiaru and family have been members of Vineyard Speyer e.V. since 2008. They have been serving God in the English community in the leadership teams of the Vineyard Speyer under the leadership of Reinhard Rehberg since 2018.

Frank is involved in House Keeping business (part-time) and ministry networking. 

Joan is a cook and event management.

Both are also involved in a nonprofit ministry called Uniquely You, which is open to families with unique gifts and talents for ministry.

Come and see...

We meet every 1. and 3. Sunday of the month at 2:30 pm.